Dirk wilhelm - flight instructor & pilot

Dirk Wilhelm’s career in aviation spans 36 years. He has been a pilot for all of those years and Flight Instructor for 34.  He is passionate about engaging and teaching young pilots; and the extensive aviation experience he developed throughout his career make him a knowledgeable and highly effective instructor.  As a Captain in the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), he instructs both CAP Cadets and Senior Members.


Dirk has his Commercial Single and Multi-engine pilot’s license, with Instrument ratings. He is certified as both a Flight and Instrument Flight Instructor.

In addition to being a seasoned instructor and pilot, Dirk’s experience also includes nearly 33 years working for the FAA as an Air Traffic Controller.  For 10 of these years, he had the privilege of being selected to be a controller at the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Airventure event (held annually in Oshkosh Wisconsin).  Also, while with the FAA, Dirk participated in the redesign the airspace over southern Wisconsin - enabling safer more efficient air traffic flow.  Dirk is currently employed as a contract Air Traffic Controller at the Milwaukee Timmerman airport

Dirk is also licensed as an Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic; and for a number of years owned, maintained and operated his own aircraft.